Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The tail

I basically just started at the beginning of the manual.
The first thing to take care of was the horizontal stabilizer and elevator.
Step one was reaming and installing the elevator hinge bushings which for some reason I do not have photos.  Then I had to measure and mark out positions for the ribs and then Hysol them in place.

That is one of my reamers which had to be grinded to fit in a socket so that I was able
to turn it with a wrench.

Monday, June 8, 2015

First things first.  Inventory was the first order of business.  Of course
doing inventory is much easier and quicker with a helper.
Thanks Buffy.


Hi all, I started this blog so that I can share with people the progress of my aircraft build.  I am starting to build a Kitfox experimental airplane.  In this post I will show how my wife and I flew out to the Kitfox factory in Homedale Idaho, rented a box truck, picked up the aircraft and then drove home to Monument Colorado.

 All packed up and ready to go!!!

Home safe and sound and ready to be assembled.